Tuberous Sclerosis Association

Katie's page

Katie Morris-Taylor

Katie Morris-Taylor

My Story

I am fundraising for the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. The cause is very dear to my heart as I have personally suffered with this condition for over 27 years. I have first hand experience of how difficult it is to access treatment and medications due to the rarity and complexity of the condition. 

In light of this my goal is to raise as much money as possible for the TSC Association so they can continue their groundbreaking research and their amazing work of supporting both sufferers of the condition and their families. 

As I have had this condition for so long I have never known any different but I wish to spread awareness therefore completing this run not only ticks completing the Great Birmingham Run off my bucket list but also raising money for a brilliant cause. This is my chance to give back to the people who fight for funding for my condition and those who tirelessly fundraise to get myself and others the support and access to resources that we need.

If you want to find out more information about Tuberous Sclerosis visit the following link:

The Midlands’ biggest and best running event takes runners on a 10k or half marathon tour of the city & past some of Birmingham’s most famous landmarks.

It’s a run for everyone, of all ages and abilities – an inclusive celebration of Brummie running, with music blazing, crowds buzzing, legs pumping and fists bumping. The city comes alive on the AJ Bell Great Birmingham Run weekend.

It’s not all about the adults, the Junior & Mini events give the kids a chance to experience that finish line feeling, earn a special medal & raise money for good causes.

If you have any event queries, see our FAQ section here.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am fundraising for the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. The cause is very dear to my heart as I have personally suffered with this condition for over 27 years. I have first hand experience of how difficult it is to access treatment and medications due to the rarity and complexity of the condition. 

In light of this my goal is to raise as much money as possible for the TSC Association so they can continue their groundbreaking research and their amazing work of supporting both sufferers of the condition and their families. 

As I have had this condition for so long I have never known any different but I wish to spread awareness therefore completing this run not only ticks completing the Great Birmingham Run off my bucket list but also raising money for a brilliant cause. This is my chance to give back to the people who fight for funding for my condition and those who tirelessly fundraise to get myself and others the support and access to resources that we need.

If you want to find out more information about Tuberous Sclerosis visit the following link:

The Midlands’ biggest and best running event takes runners on a 10k or half marathon tour of the city & past some of Birmingham’s most famous landmarks.

It’s a run for everyone, of all ages and abilities – an inclusive celebration of Brummie running, with music blazing, crowds buzzing, legs pumping and fists bumping. The city comes alive on the AJ Bell Great Birmingham Run weekend.

It’s not all about the adults, the Junior & Mini events give the kids a chance to experience that finish line feeling, earn a special medal & raise money for good causes.

If you have any event queries, see our FAQ section here.