Marfan Trust

Run Danny Run

Daniel Lovell

Daniel Lovell

My Story

I'm running my first ever half marathon to raise money for Marfan Trust, a charity that's very close to us as a family. There are 18,000 people in the UK with Marfan Syndrome including our Sam. It's a condition that affects people in so many cruel ways and if me running half a marathon helps in any way, I'm glad to do it. I'm running this for Sam, as he's had so much to put up with his throughout his life, but just gets on with things with a strength and determination that I could never do. So if you can spare a quid or two (or 500) then please donate, as this is a really bloody cruel disease.

If you have any event queries, see our FAQ section here.

Marfan Trust

Raising for:

Marfan Trust


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I'm running my first ever half marathon to raise money for Marfan Trust, a charity that's very close to us as a family. There are 18,000 people in the UK with Marfan Syndrome including our Sam. It's a condition that affects people in so many cruel ways and if me running half a marathon helps in any way, I'm glad to do it. I'm running this for Sam, as he's had so much to put up with his throughout his life, but just gets on with things with a strength and determination that I could never do. So if you can spare a quid or two (or 500) then please donate, as this is a really bloody cruel disease.

If you have any event queries, see our FAQ section here.